Irene Riche starts at The Royal Theater


Early Autumn, Raymond Riche starts at The Royal Theater.

Autumn Equinox, Raymond Riche confedes to Joplin Twinley, he thinks Paulette Walden loooks both delighting and bedable.

Late Autumn, Raymond Riche organizes a night raid at the castle to see the new envoy, who had just started.

During the night raid, Joplin Twinley and Raymond Riche have a peep at Lavinia O'Conner undressing.

Early Winter, To impress Raymond Riche, Joplin Twinley dares kissing Paulette Walden.


Early Autumn, Raymond Riche has discovered a new maid at the kitchen, Meredith Bones, and invites Joplin Twinley to have a peep at her, when she's undressing.

After the night raid of Raymond Riche, Joplin Twinley admites, Meredith Bones is a real smacker, and she will be worth having yet a other peep at.

Autumn Equinox, Raymond Riche and Joplin Twinley makes yet an other raid at the castle, to have peep at the adorable Meredith Bones.

While Joplin Twinley and Raymond Riche are peeping at alluring Meredith Bones, Joplin Twinley is challenging Raymond Riche.


Irene Riche graduate from The Royal Theater.



Autumn Equinox, Finola Milies, hence seduces the son of the master of the orchestra, Raymond Riche, and he becomes her lover at The Royal Theater.

Late Winter, Raymond Riche offers Finola Milies she can stay with him at The Royal Theater Chrismas over, but she likes to go home to her boyfriend, Eli Backer.


Late Winter, Raymond Riche has missed Finola Milies during the Chrismas, and Raymond Riche makes love with her.

Early Spring, Raymond Riche is assigned to his last habeas corpus.

Spring Equinox, Raymond Riche asks Finola Milies if she like to dance at his final habeas corpus next summer, and Finola says, yes, if he'll take Eileen Twinley allon.

Late Spring, The sister of Raymond Riche, Irene Riche, who is dating the tailor in the Arts And Crafts Town, Curtis Warner, comes to The Royal Theater, and designs new costumes to Finola Milies and Eileen Twinley for the habeas corpus of Raymond Riche.

Finola Milies and Eileen Twinley are practices for the habeas corpus of Raymond Riche, and Finola Milies and Raymond Riche are making a lot of love in the spare time.

Early Summer, At the habeas corpus of Raymond Riche, Irene Riche, Finola Milies and Eileen Twinley are danceing to the music of Raymond Riche in their new outfit designed by Curtis Warner, the boyfriend of Irene Riche.

Raymond Riche passes his final habeas corpus and graduate.

Raymond Riche, shall stay at The Royal Theater to work as assisten of his father, Adam Riche, and he asks Finola Milies ones again, if she will want to stay at The Royal Theater the summer over. but Finola Misses her childhood friend, Trent Wilkins, and wants go go home.

Hence, Finola Milies goes home to Mareton followed by Eileen Twinley.

Early Autumn at The Royal Theater, Raymond Riche is hugging and kissing Finola Milies, and he likes the new dress, Kevin Brewer had made for her at Hourn Vally.

Though Finola Milies has shagged with Eli Backer all summer, she has actually missed Raymond Riche and she enjoys making love with him, when they see each other again after the vacation.

Autumn Equinox, Raymond Riche takes position as theacher at The Royal Theater after he had graduated, And since Fenella Twinley is the only student starting this year, Raymond Riche asks Finola Milies and Eileen Twinley, if they will like to help him theaching Fenella. Finola and Eileen commit to it.

Late Autumn Raymond Riche, too, has asked a boy from last year, Roger Full, to play the music they can dance to, and Finola Milies has a thrill by flirting with him, before she indulges herself to making love Raymond Riche.

Early Winter, Raymond Riche ones again asks Finola Milies, if she'll like to stay at The Royal Theater with him the Chrismas over.

Ones again, Finola Milies thanks, no.


Late Winter, Raymond Riche is happy to see Finola Milies again after Chrismas and they makes a lot of love.

Raymond Riche suggests, they continue the lectures from last year with Finola Milies, Eileen and Fenella Twinley dancing, while Roger Full is play the music.

When the lectures begin, Fenella Twinley starts make cheerful remarks to her sister, Eileen Twinley, she shall do her practice on her kissing on Roger Full, so she'll be able to make the perfect smooching, when she sees Sir Gareth of Lewinton again next summer. Eileen replies, her sister shall buttle up and kisses Roger Full.

As the lectures passes, Finola Milies, Eileen and Fenella Twinley are cheering at each other, and while they're kissing and cuddling Roger Full.

Early Spring, Finola Milies, Eileen and Fenella Twinley keep cheering each other when they on turns are kissing and flirting with Roger Full, as he is playing the music for them.

At the same time, Raymond Riche and Finola Milies are kissing and cuddling in front of the others, and makes love with each other, when the are alone.

Early Summer, Raymond Riche says goodbye to Finola Milies and makes heartily love to Finola Milies, since they'll not be seeing each other all summer.

Summer Equinox Raymond Riche and Lavinia O’Connor makes love, where Lavinia O’Connor conceives a child.

Early Autumn, At Kingston Finola Milies is resived by the kissing and cuddling of Raymond Riche, who tells her, how much he had missed her over the summer.

Fenella Twinley feels completely bewitched by Roger Full, when Raymond Riche and Finola Milies comes and to take care of Neville Books and Hillary Full, when Eileen Twinley pinches her, to get her to her own lodging.

Finola Milies helps Raymond Riche showing Neville Books and Hillary Full their lodgings, while Roger Full is following Fenella Twinley, who's heifty argumenting with Eileen Twinley.

When Raymond Riche and Finola Milies had showen Neville Books and Hillary Full their lodgings, they peppily makes love at the lodgings of Roger Riche.

After they have made love, Raymond Riche tells Finola Milies, there will be some changes this year: His sister, Irene Riche will theach Finola Milies, Hillary Full, Eileen and Fenella Twinley, while he'll be responcebly for theaching Roger Full and Neville Books.

When the lectures starts, Irene Riche annonces, she's getting married at the Early Winter, and her brother Raymond Riche has written some music for the wedding, at she'll like Finola Milies, Hillary Full, Eileen and Fenella Twinley to dance at her wedding, so they will be practicing for the wedding this autumn.

Autumn Equinox, They are all practice for the wedding, and in the breaks, Roger Full is kissing and cuddling with Fenella Twinley and Finola Milies is kissing and cuddling Raymond Riche and Hillary Full and Neville Books are kissing and cuddling, too.

Lavinia O'Connor, the nanny of The 16th Prince and Princess Melissa, interupts the lecture at The Royal Theatre. She's very agitated, because Raymond Riche has made her with child over the summer, she claims.

After Lavinia O'Connor is done raging at Raymond Riche, Finola Milies have her rage at Raymond Riche, too. She don't want to see him anymore.

Early Winter, Curtis Warner and Irene Riche is throwing their wedding and Finola Milies, Hillary Full, Eileen and Fenella Twinley were dancing to the music of Raymond Riche, Roger Full and Neville Books is playing.

The wedding show goes very well, and Curtis Warner and Irene Riche gets married.


Late Winter When the lectures start, both Lavinia o'Connor and Irene Warner are visible pregnant.

Raymond Riche proclaimes the final habeas corpus of Eileen Twinley and Finola Milies, shall be, under the supervisoin by Irene Warner, to instructing a ballet for the new childen, who is comming during the Spring. Raymond Riche will compose the music for the dance, and play it with Roger Full and Neville Books. Shuan Riche, the mother of Irene and Raymond, will do some exercises with Hillary Full and Fenella Twinley, and thet will help Eileen and Finola with their ballet when they get it ready.

Finola Milies gets pritty annoyed, when she looks at the heively pregnant Lavinia O'Connor, who's carrying the visible evidence of Raymond Riche infidelity against Finola, but she's comforted by her love to Irene Warner.

Spring Equinox, Raymond Riche is absent from the lessons, because he's attending Lavinia O'Connor giving childbirth their girl, Perle O'Conner, so Eileen Twinley and Finola Milies are to instuct their ballet, Fenella Twinley, Hillary Full dancing and Roger Full and Neville Books playing the music, under supervisoin of the heively pregnant Irene Riche.

Lavinia O’Connor gives birth to Perle O’Connor.

Late Spring, Raymond Riche returns to the lessons after Lavinia O'Conner has born Perle O'Connor, while Irene Warner is absent to give birth to Gavin Warner.

After lesson, Finola Milies is looking for Eileen Twinley, but she doesn't find her at her lodging. at the alley, Finola meets Raymond Riche, and asks him, if he had seen Eileen? Raymond Riche tells Finola, that Eileen is probably sleeping with Sir Gareth of Lewinton at the Scroll at The Delegate Town.

Finola Milies likes to make a complain over the behavior and slapping of Fenella Twinley to day. Raymond Riche says, he is very sorry, he had cheated on Finola with Lavinia O'Conner, but he do loves Lavinia, and Finola must let Fenella Twinley have Roger Full, since Finola does not really wants Roger Full anyway.


Midsummer, The 15th Prince and Princess Beatrice of Chetzer and their children The 16th Prince, and the Princesses Rebecca and Melissa rush to Lewinton Casle to participate in the funual of Sir Gareth of Lewinton.

Lavinia O'Connor follows as nanny.

Adam Riche at The Royal Theatre, gives Fenella Twinley and Neville Books vication from the Theatre to participate at the funual, since they both are from Lewinton Shire.

Adam Riche sends his son, Raymond Riche, with them, to keep an eye on Fenella Twinley and Neville Books.

Queen Beatrice insist her brother, Sir Craiq Of Chetzer, follows them as bodyguard with his wife, Ashley Chetzer, and their son Ed Chezter.

At Mareton, Sir Tobias Leon of Hourn Vally awaits them.

Sir Tobias Leon of Hourn Vally joins The 15th Prince with his lover Selina Backer and his liuetanant Eli Backer and his girlfriend, Finola Milies.

At Larch Croft, Cusla and Mae Books join them party too, and they travel the last bit to Lewinton Castle.

Jeany Books would have liked to go too, but she's to old to do the voyage, so she stayed home.


Raymond Riche marries Lavinia O’Connor.


Lavinia O’Connor gives birth to Tristan Riche.




Lavinia O’Connor gives birth to Sylvia Riche.






Early Winter, Raymond Riche is composing the music to ”The Savage Woman At The Forest”.